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The enforced expansion of extractive frontiers: struggles over power, meaning and knowledge

Workshop Report: “The enforced expansion of extractive frontiers: struggles over power, meaning and knowledge”by Cristina Espinosa and Fabricio Rodríguez.  The workshop  took place at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg on the 10th and 11th of November, 2016.

"The extraction of natural resources has intensified and expanded since the 1990s, gaining greater significance as a disputed field of social and political tensions since the turn of the century. While some actors compete over access to and control of natural resources, others emphasize the urgency to reverse the exponential expansion of extractive activities. Conflicts over the uneven distribution of risks and benefits associated to the exploration and production of resources have proliferated accordingly." (see Blog to 'Resources and Conflicts" of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies)

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