Andreas Mehler accompanied a delegation from Cameroon on their visit. The University of Freiburg has human remains of the Maka - now they are to be returned.
Viviana García Pinzón discusses Trump's increasingly aggressive foreign policy in Latin America with Security in Context on the basis of Colombia-US tensions regarding radical deportations.
María Belén Garrido and Paola Lozada contributed to the encyclopedia "Rewriting Peace and Conflict" with an entry on the topic of ‘Sumak Kawsay’ – a decolonial framework that reclaims being, knowledge and power.
In an interview with Table.Briefings, Franzisca Zanker calls the political initiatives to increase European deportations to Somalia ‘symbolic politics’, which is ‘short-term thinking’.
The latest issue of IQAS explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on research practices, focusing on the challenges researchers faced while adapting to digitally-mediated research methods.
In this article published by Informationsstelle Peru e.V., Fabricio Rodríguez and Jhan Carlos Ayquipa Mallqui analyse the local challenges posed by the chinese-funded economic project aiming to boost the trade between China and Peru.
In the SWP Megatrends Afrika Spotlight, Franzisca Zanker discusses colonial continuities in the context of the growing restriction of legal migration opportunities to Europe: unequal mobility regulations can be traced back to racialised structures.
In The Conversation, Tim Glawion argues that in the Central African Republic, local expectations regarding peacebuilding must be considered. Otherwise, peacebuilding remains an intervention detached from local realities.
New report on the FIAT/IFTA-funded project “Intertwined narratives of restitution between Europe and Africa in audiovisual archives” by Richard Legay: An analysis of narratives on the restitution of African cultural heritage based on European and African archives.
The withdrawal of French troops from Chad also leads to Russia gaining influence in the region. Nevertheless, France remains present.