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Fernández, Jun.-Prof. Felipe

 Portrait Felipe Fernández
felipe.fernandez [at]
Areas of research:
Environmental Anthropology, Science, Technology, and Society (STS), Infrastructures, Urban Anthropology, Water Supply, Geological Anthropology, Energy Transformation
Regional focus:
Latin America (primarily Colombia and Bolivia)
Professional experience:
Since 2024
Jun.-Prof. at the Institute of Ethnology (University of Freiburg)
Post-Doc, International Graduate School „Temporalities of Future“ (FU Berlin)
Doctoral Candidate, International Graduate School „Temporalities of Future“ (FU Berlin)
PhD Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI), FU Berlin
M.A. Interdisciplinary Latin America Studies, FU Berlin
B.A. History and Social and Cultural Anthropology, FU Berlin

Fernández, F. Forth. Violent Flows. Water Infrastructures and the State in Buenaventura, Colombia. University of Arizona Press. 

Fernández, F. with Schütze, B., Jenns, A., Wiertz, T., Hussein, H. and Lehmann, R. Forth. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Contested Spatialities of Energy Transition: Political Tensions, Territorial Asymmetries, and New Frontiers‘. Politic & Space [in preparation].

Fernández, F. with Schröter, D. Forth. Extractive Infrastructures in the Bolivian Altiplano. On Lithium, Grassroots Organizations, and the (Indigenous) State. Political Geography [in preparation].

Fernández, F. 2023. Reparieren im Globalen Süden am Beispiel der Wasserinfrastruktur von Buenaventura, Kolumbien. In: Weber/ Venn/ Rüsewald (Eds.) Reparieren, Warten, Improvisieren. Technikgeschichte des Unfertigen. Berlin, Deutsches Technikmuseum, 126-132.

Fernández, F. 2022. Coping with Extortion. On Violence, Parasites, and Water Infrastructures in Buenaventura, Colombia. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development 4(3): 296- 309. DOI:

Fernández, F. 2022. Construir y reparar frente al desabastecimiento: estado, provisión de agua e infraestructura en Buenaventura, Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 58 (2): 105-129. DOI:

Landscapes of Freedom. Building a Postemancipation Society in the Rainforests of Western Colombia (2018). H-Soz-Kult, 22.05.2018. URL:

Under Construction. Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia (2019) by Daniel Mains Anthropologica 63(1): 1-5. DOI: