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Lehmann, Jun.-Prof. Rosa

Portaitfoto Rosa Lehmann
rosa.lehmann [at]
Areas of research:
Social-ecological conflicts and inequalities, transformation, political ecology, societal nature relations, multi-scalar negotiation processes, energy spaces, renewable energies, bioeconomy
Regional focus:
Latin America (especially Mexico, also Chile), Germany
Professional experience:
since 2021
Juniorprofessor of "Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America" at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies
Post-Doc, BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe “Bioökonomie und Soziale Ungleichheiten”, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Jena
since 2012
Associate Researcher, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut Freiburg
Promotion Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, University of Freiburg
M.A. Ethnologie und Wissenschaftliche Politik, University of Freiburg

Lehmann, Rosa (2019): Der Konflikt um Windenergie in Mexiko. Partizipation, Diskurse und die ungleiche Gestaltung der Naturverhältnisse im Isthmus von Tehuantepec. (engl.: The conflict on wind energy in Mexico. Participation, discourses, and the unequal configuration of societal relationships with nature in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.) (2021): Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production across South America, Asia and Europe. Basingstoke, Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jenss, Alke; Lehmann, Rosa; Boos, Tobias (eds.) (2021): Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert. (engl.: Social structures in Latin America. Dynamics and actors in the 21st century). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Júlia Mascarello; Rosa Lehmann; Alexandru Giurca (forthcoming): Bioeconomy Science Collaboration between Brazil and Germany – On Equal Footing? Forest Policy and Economics. 

Rosa Lehmann; Alejandra Irigoyen (forthcoming): The future is local? Contextualizing municipal agendas on climate change in Chile. Npj Climate Action.

Rosa Lehmann; Pedro Alarcón (2023): ‘Just Transition’ in the Global South: Mission Impossible? The Perils of the Transition in Mexico and Ecuador. JEP Journal of Development Studies/Journal Entwicklungspolitik 39(3/4), 37–61.

Lehmann, Rosa; Giurca, Alexandru (2023): Bioökonomie. In: Meier, Thomas: Keppler, Frank; Mager, Ute; Platt, Ulrich; Reents, Friederike (eds.): Umwelt interdisziplinär Grundlagen – Konzepte – Handlungsfelder. Heidelberg University Publishing. DOI: 10.11588/heidok.00032134.

Tosun, Jale; Levario Saad, Emiliano; Glückler, Johannes, Irigoyen Rios, Alejandra; Lehmann, Rosa (2023): Country-Specific Participation Patterns in Transnational Governance Initiatives on Sustainability: Preliminary Insights and Research Agenda. Global Challenges.

Eversberg, Dennis; Koch, Philip, Lehmann, Rosa; Saltelli, Andrea; Ramcilovic-Suominen, Sabaheta; Kovacic, Zora (2023): The more things change, the more they stay the same: promises of bioeconomy and the economy of promises. Editorial to the Special Feature: Promises of the Bioeconomic Change as a Strategy for Avoiding Socio-ecological Transformation. Sustainability Science 18, 557–568.

Lehmann, Rosa; Tittor, Anne (2023): Contested renewable energy projects in Latin America: bridging frameworks of justice to understand ‘triple inequalities of decarbonisation policies’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25(2): 182-193. Online first: 2021.

Lehmann, Rosa; Jenss, Alke (2022): Scalar Struggles: The Selectivity of Development Governance in Southern Mexico. Latin American Research Review 57(4), 848-866.

Jenss, Alke, Lehmann, Rosa, Boos, Tobias (2021): Einleitung: Sozialstrukturen in Bewegung. In: Jenss, Alke; Lehmann, Rosa; Boos, Tobias (eds.): Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert. (engl.: Social structures in Latin America. Dynamics and actors in the 21st century). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 1-23.

Lehmann, Rosa (2021): Wissensproduktion und Energiegerechtigkeit: Ein- und Ausschlüsse in der Bioenergie-Forschungsförderungspolitik im Kontext der deutschen Bioökonomiestrategie. In: Fehr, Lukas; Johler, Reinhard (eds.): Bioökonomie(n). Ethnografische Forschungszugänge und Felder. Tübingen: TVV, 107-129.

Lehmann, Rosa (2021): Knowledge, Research, and Germany’s Bioeconomy: Inclusion and Exclusion in Bioenergy Funding Policies. In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production across South America, Asia, and Europe. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 107-129.

Lehmann, Rosa (2021): Erneuerbare Energien in Südmexiko: Der sozialökologische Konflikt um Windenergieanlagen im Isthmus von Tehuantepec. (engl.: Renewable energies in Southern Mexico: The socioecological conflict on wind energy projects in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec). In: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; Kaltmeier, Olaf; Peters, Stefan; Rohland, Eleonora (eds.): Krisen-Klima: Umweltkonflikte aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive. (engl.: Crisis Climates: Environmental conflicts from a Latin American perspective). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 113-128.

Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (2021): Contextualizing the Bioeconomy in an Unequal World: Biomass Sourcing and Global Socio-Ecological Inequalities. In: Backhouse, Maria; Lehmann, Rosa; Lorenzen, Kristina; Lühmann, Malte; Puder, Janina; Rodríguez, Fabricio; Tittor, Anne (eds.): Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production across South America, Asia and Europe. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 3-22.

Maria Backhouse; Lehmann, Rosa (2020): New ‘renewable’ frontiers: contested palm oil plantations and wind energy projects in Brazil and Mexico. Journal of Land Use Science 15(2-3), 373-388. Published online: 16 August 2019.