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Jenss, Dr. Alke

alke.jenss [at]
+49 (0)761 888 78 26
Areas of research:
urban violence, politics of infrastructure, authoritarian practices, political economy and decolonial approaches
Regional focus:
Latin America (particularly Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica)
Professional experience:
PostDoc Researcher and Lecturer in the Cluster Transnationalization, Development and Migration at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University
Lecturer in Human Rights in the spanish language MA programme "Intercultural Conflict Management", Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Researcher, civil society research project on Investment & Emerging Markets, Werkstatt Ökonomie
Lecturer at Marburg, Kassel and Göttingen Universities
Journalist/Editor at LateinamerikaNachrichten
PhD in Sociology, Philipps University Marburg (summa cum laude). Empirical research in Colombia and Mexico on the grey zones of state violence. Scholarship holder.
ADLAF Dissertation award 2016 (German Association for Research on Latin America)
MA Political Science, Peace & Conflict Studies, Spanish Language
Philipps University Marburg
Political Theory and International and Latin American Relations
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Additional information:


PI Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict, BMBF, 2022-2026.

PI Promises of Democratic Connection, Thyssen Foundation, 2022-2024.

Past Projects:

Authoritarian Urbanism Working Group, with Dr. Hugo Fanton, Dr. Aysegül Can, Dr. Khanyile Mlotshwa, 2020-2021.

Making Infrastructures Global? Design and Governance of Infrastructural Expansion in the Global South (EUCOR Project in Cooperation with Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers, Urban Studies Department, University of Basel, and Dr. Benjamin Schütze, ABI)



Latin American Studies Association (LASA)

Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) at the European Sociological Association (ESA)

Political Economy Beyond Boundaries at the European International Studies Association (EISA)

Critical Peace Studies Working Group at the German Association of Peace & Conflict Studies (AFK)

Working Group on the Transformation of the State at the Latin American Social Sciences Council CLACSO: Estados latinoamericanos: ruptura y restauración


ADLAF Dissertation award 2016 (German Association for Research on Latin America)


Important Publications (selection)

Articles (peer reviewed):

(2024): Fantasies of Flows and Containment: The Technopolitics of Security Infrastructures in the Americas. In: (2024) Antipode, 56(2), 492-515, OPEN ACCESS.

(2024): Cities as Nodes of Conflict: The role of transnational corporations in urban supply chain conflicts. In: Zeitschrift für Konfliktforschung, online first. OPEN ACCESS.

(2024): Everyday Scalar Politics: Navigating Insecurity in the Competitive City. In: Urban Geography, 45(3), 311-331.

with Hugo Fanton and Aysegül Can (2024): State-led Gentrification against the Backdrop of Authoritarian Practices. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, online first. Introduction to collection of articles on Istanbul, Casablanca, Lijang and a conclusion.

with Julia Gurol, Fabricio Rodríguez, Benjamin Schuetze, Cita Wetterich: Authoritarian Power and Contestation Beyond the State (Special Issue Introduction). In: Globalizations. OPEN ACCESS

with Benjamin Schuetze (2023): Prefiguring Politics: transregional energy infrastructures as a lens for the study of authoritarian practices. In: Globalizations. Online First/OPEN ACCESS.

with Valeria Guarneros (2022): Transformed Security Practices: Informalization in the Production of Hegemony and Place. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 46(4): 614-630.

with Rosa Lehmann (2022): Scalar Struggles. The Selectivity of Development Governance in Mexico. In: Latin American Research Review 57(4), 848-866. OPEN ACCESS.

(2021): Gobernanza de la Expansión: Infraestructuras transnacionales de energía en América Latina. In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 29 (58): 1-27. OPEN ACCESS.

with Bregje Van Veelen, Evelina Gambino et al. (2021): Interventions on the Democracy of Infrastructures. In: Political Geography, 87 (102378).

with Benjamin Schuetze (2021): Rethinking Authoritarian Power: The Logistics Space and Authoritarian Practices in and between Secondary Port Cities of the Global South. In: International Studies Quarterly 65(1), 82-94 OPEN ACCESS.
(2021): Disrupting the Rhythms of Violence. In: Global Policy, 12 (52), 67-77. OPEN ACCESS.
(2020): Global Flows and Everyday Violence in Urban Space: The Port-City of Buenaventura, Colombia(link is external). In: Political Geography, 102113. OPEN ACCESS.

(2019): Authoritarian neoliberal rescaling in Latin America: Urban in/security and austerity in Oaxaca. In: Globalizations, 16(3), 304–319.


(2023): Selective Security in the War on Drugs: The Coloniality of State Power in Colombia and Mexico. Rowman & Littlefield.

with Mara Albrecht (2023): The spatiality and temporality of urban violence. Histories, rhythms, and ruptures. Manchester University Press.

with Lehmann, Rosa / Boos, Tobias (2021): Sozialstrukturen in Lateinamerika. Dynamiken und Akteure im 21. Jahrhundert. Springer VS.

with Eser, Patrick/ Tittor, Anne/Schulten, Johannes (2018): Globale Ungleichgewichte und soziale Transformationen. Wien: Mandelbaum.

(2016): "Grauzonen staatlicher Gewalt. Staatlich produzierte Unsicherheit in Kolumbien und Mexiko." Bielefeld: Transcript. OPEN ACCESS

with Stefan Pimmer (2015) (ed.): "Der Staat in Lateinamerika: Kolonialität, Gewalt, Transformation." Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

