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AMMODI Virtual Roundtable now online: Making African(ist) Migration Research Visible

AMMODI Virtual Roundtable: Making African(ist) Research Visible

v.l.n.r.: Kudakwashe Vanyoro, Ruth Nyabuto, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Sergio Carciotto, Jessica Adjeley Mensah, Kwesi Sewe, Åsa Lund Moberg, Ibrahima Amadou Dia, Heaven Crawly.

Global academia is in the midst of renewed debates and interventions against the persistent inequalities in African and Africanist higher education following calls for decolonising academia. Migration patterns and policies, as well as research on them, are often deeply informed by post-/colonial relations, and migration research has been slow in exposing and addressing its post-/coloniality.

The collaborative Research Group AMMODI therefore hosted a virtual roundtable in December 2023. The recordings of this event are now available online as a video!

The roundtable seeked to address the structural inequalities embedded in Africanist migration research through a set of dialogues between researchers, journal editors, and librarians who confront these issues in different ways. It aimed to diagnose the persistent inequalities in the field, and offer inspiration for ways to work towards more equity and inclusivity.The roundtable also briefly introduced the AMMODI database of over 200 Africa-based scholars working on migration, mobility and displacement and their work, which aims to be one step towards increasing the visibility of African migration research.



Speakers were from left to right: 

  • Kudakwashe Vanyoro (University of Witwatersrand), 
  • Ruth Nyabuto (Refugee Led Research Hub), 
  • Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (Editor of Migration & Society, cancelled due to illness),
  • Sergio Carciotto (Editor of African Human Mobility Review), 
  • Jessica Adjeley Mensah (Paliament of Ghana Library), 
  • Kwesi Sewe (University of Ghana Library),
  • Åsa Lund Moberg (Nordic Arica Insitute Library), 
  • Ibrahima Amadou Dia (African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration, African Union Comission) and 
  • Heaven Crawley (Migration for Development and Equity).

The event was moderated by Leander Kandilige (University of Ghana) and Faisal Garba (University of Cape Town).

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General News