At the award ceremony: Prof Dr Kerstin Krieglstein, Dr Anna Fünfgeld and Prof Dr Andreas Mehler.
| © University of Freiburg / Jürgen GockeThis year's Arnold Bergstraesser Prize was awarded to Anna Fünfgeld. She received it for her doctorate
"No Power to Change? Energy Hegemony and Trasformismo in Indonesia".
In this study, she examines to what extent a transformation of the energy regime is underway in Indonesia, a country where the energy regime strongly relies on highly polluting coal. The dissertation shows how an energy transition in Indonesia is prevented by political-economic structures, hegemonic discourses, and repressive practices against resistance.
To promote young researchers, the University of Freiburg and the ABI jointly award the Arnold Bergstraesser Prize. The prize is awarded for an outstanding dissertation in the social sciences that deals with political and social change in countries of the global South in the tradition of Arnold Bergstraesser.
Further information on the prize can be found on the website of the University of Freiburg.
You can reach Anna Fünfgeld here:
Uni Hamburg:
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anna-Fuenfgeld
LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/anna-f%C3%BCnfgeld-736016161