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Franzisca Zanker in iz3w: Outsourcing of Asylum

»Stop Deportation«: Protests against deportations at airport Halle/Leipzig 2017

»Stop Deportation«: Protests against deportations at airport Halle/Leipzig 2017

| © caruso.pinguin CC BY-NC 2.0

Rwanda is not the first country to be addressed by European states in the matter of accepting third-country asylum seekers. The current debate is rather the most recent endeavour in an ongoing externalization effort that tries to convince African countries by various carrot and stick methods to take back their own “rejected” nationals, and ideally, even third-country nationals. The difficulty of successful cooperation pinpoints the unlikelihood of outsourcing asylum ever becoming a viable option for potential African partner countries. 

Franzisca Zanker discusses the humanitarian and legal dimensions of this as well as the role of the different interests of the institution of the EU compared to african states.

The full article can be found on Externalizing Asylum in English. It was re-published in German for the iz3w.

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