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New visiting fellow Ignacio Fradejas-García

Ignacio Fradejas-García
© Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut 2024

Ignacio Fradejas-García will work as visiting fellow from 16 Sept to 16 Dec 2024 within the cluster “Patterns of (Forced) Migration” led by Franzisca Zanker to exchange and discuss current research projects and develop novel research ideas around humanitarianism, borders, (im)mobilities, international migrations and resistance. During his stay at ABI, he will also co-organize with Erkan Tümkaya, a member of the institute, a book proposal on “Humor as Migrant Resistance” to compile the papers presented at a panel that both previously organized at an international conference (EASA, Barcelona, July 2024).

Ignacio has a background as a social and cultural anthropologist with fieldwork experiences in Gambia, Chile, Morocco, Haiti, DR Congo, Turkey, Romania and Spain. His research has been published in peer-reviewed international journals such as “Social Anthropology”, “Mobilities”, “Social Inclusion”, “Migration Letters”, “Politics and Governance”, “Mortality”, “Field Methods”, “Globalizations”, “Focaal” and "Third World Quarterly". He currently works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of Oviedo (Spain), and he previously worked at the University of Iceland (2021-2022) as a postdoctoral researcher within the CERM project (Creating Europe Through Racialized Mobilities), following migrant trajectories along the irregular Atlantic migration route to the European Union from west Africa. He will present this last research about the Canary Islands migration route at ABI on 7th Nov 2024, focusing on two recent published papers Infrapolitical mobilities: Precarious migrants and resistance to European rules of mobility and Speculating about the migration crisis: acting from above and below on the Canary Islands route.  

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