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IQAS 53: 2 | Infrastructuring and Ecologising a New Global Hegemony? I


The growing influence of China appears to be both a contributing cause and partial effect of the perceived international vacuum of the multilateral action needed to prevent and respond to a serious moment of planetary crises. The burning question of the age arguably concerns how China will use, expand or lose its remarkable sources of economic, political and technological influence in this system crisis scenario while attempting to stabilise (or at least not upend) its own economic and socio-political conditions in the process. This Special Issue presents a series of insightful papers across a range of empirical sites that illuminate not only that profound change is underway with the (uncertain) rise of China and the global reach of its infrastructural projects amidst planetary phase shift, but also how that is currently unfolding.

Ausgewählte Texte

Ecological Civilisation: A Historical Perspective on Environmental Policy Narratives in China
Linda Westman, Ping Huang

Multilateralism to the Rescue? Beijing’s Support for Multilateral Institutions during the COVID-19 Crisis
Dan Banik, Benedicte Bull

Full Issue


Forschungsbereich: Patterns of (Forced) Migration
Language: English