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ViEWS - a Political Violence Early Warning System (Chad)

Studie: ViEWS - a Political Violence Early Warning System (Chad)
ProjektmitarbeiterInnen: Dr. Helga Dickow
Auftraggebende Institution(en): Uppsala University
Projektlaufzeit: 01.2019
Auftragsvolumen: 0 €
This survey is a sub-project to a larger project called ‘ViEWS: a political Violence Early-Warning System’. The objective of ViEWS is to carry out the basic research to build a system that systematically monitors all locations in Africa at risk of organized political violence and assesses the likelihood that violence erupts, continue, or de-escalate. The project will build a pilot that provides risk assessments that are transparent, replicable, and publicly available.
Forschungsbereich: Conflict and Fragility