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Wagner, M.A. Philipp

Portrait Philipp Wagner
Position at ABI:
philipp.wagner [at]
+49 (0)761 - 888 78-24
Areas of research:
renewable energy projects, infrastructure politics, climate governance, transregional authoritarian practices, democratisation processes
Regional focus:
North Africa (especially Tunisia), Middle East, Europe
Professional experience:
since 2023
PhD candidate in the DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group: Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Analyst, adelphi research gGmbH
Winter 2020 and 2021
Teaching Assistant, Chair of Political Science with a focus on International Relations, University of Freiburg
University of Freiburg and Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence, German-French double master's degree in political science, focus on EU-MENA relations
Study scholarship Heinrich Böll Foundation

Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Emmy Noether Junior Research Group, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2022-2028.

Relations between Tunisia and the European Union in the Field of Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen, PhD project focus.

Afilliation with Merian Centre For Advanced Studies in the Maghreb – Tunis (MECAM)

Member of DAVO

Member of dis:orient e.V.

(2024) "Facilitating energy flows, containing humans: Authoritarian energy transitions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region" (co-authored with Benjamin Schuetze, Elia El-Khazen, Charlotte Mueller), in: Nick Buxton (Hg.), State of Power report. Amsterdam: Transnational Institute (TNI), 109-118. Online:

(2024) "Lehren von der COP28: Freiräume müssen erkämpft werden", dis:orient,

(2023) "COP 28: Klimapolitischer Durchbruch oder verdecktes Greenwashing?", dis:orient,

(2023) "Warum wir über Autoritarismus sprechen müssen – und zwar anders", dis:orient,

(2021) "Das Vertrauen junger Tunesier*innen in politische Partizipationsräume: Warum die EU-Demokratieförderung ihren Blickwinkel ändern muss", Young Journal of European Affairs 1(1), pp. 65-

(2021) "Bestimmen wer die Macht besitzt? Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Elitenbegriff im Kontext nichtstaatlichen Peacebuildings", DNGPS Working Paper

(2021) "The era of colonialism is over’: Erneuerbare Energien als erneuerbarer Status für Marokko?", Politik und Gesellschaft

(2020) "La « société civile », comment la saisir ? Focus sur l’approche de Benjamin Schütze, de l’Université de Freiburg", Un OEil sur la Cité

(2020) "Le savoir s’arrête-t-il aux frontières ? Plaidoyer pour une coopération scientifique franco-allemande", Un OEil sur la Cité.