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Bidding farewell to our librarian Elisabeth Caruana

Portrait der Bibliothekarin des ABI, Elisabeth Caruana.

On December 1, 2023, we bid farewell to our librarian Elisabeth Caruana as part of the team.
We thank her for five years of professional support for our library.
We wish Ms. Caruana all the best for her future!

We would like to welcome Ms. Petra Kupfer to the team, who will manage the ABI library from now on.
We are delighted to have gained such a competent new colleague.

The library has also changed its opening hours and now welcomes you during the following hours:

Montag           9 – 13 Uhr
Dienstag         9 – 15 Uhr
Mittwoch        9 – 15 Uhr
Donnerstag    9 – 13 Uhr
Freitag           10 – 14 Uhr