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Now online: Virtual Encyclopedia ‘Rewriting Peace and Conflict’

Stitching: La Paz la escribimos entre Todxs
© Artwork: (Un)Stiching Gazes (

The Virtual Encyclopedia is online! On the website you can discover interesting texts and podcasts.


What is it about?

Scholars, practitioners and activists from different geographies and positionalities have pointed to the need to resignify peace and conflict. Despite their shared ground, however, many of these debates have often developed in parallel and disjointed streams. Developed by the research network Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies the Virtual Encyclopedia offers a space of encounter for this wealth of ideas and arguments.   

The Virtual Encyclopedia is a compilation of theory, research, and practice in peace and conflict studies from de- and postcolonial perspectives. It strives to promote the inclusion of multiple and diverse voices and reach a plurality of audiences to raise awareness of how knowledge and practices are entangled with the coloniality of power and often contribute to the perpetuation of inequalities and injustices underpinning the (re)production of violence.


What is new about this Encyclopedia?

The Virtual Encyclopedia strives to capture and reflect concepts’ contested character and context relevance. Rather than unambiguous and all-encompassing definitions, it aims to provide its audience with diverse tools to critically approach the field of peace and conflict studies from the lenses of postcolonial theory and decolonial thought. 

The Virtual Encyclopedia offers a platform to a variety of voices; among them are academics from a variety of career levels, background and regions, as well as practitioners and activists. The ultimate goal of the platform is to promote dialogue and reflection by combining text, audio, video, and storytelling across different formats.


What is already online today?

The Encyclopedia will evolve gradually and will reflect findings and conceptual considerations from within the hierarchies-network. With the launch of the Encyclopedia, the following contributions are available: 



Find all podcast episodes here:

  • Coloniality, peace & conflict: An introduction (with Manuela Boatcă, Siddharth Tripathi & Susanne Buckley-Zistel)
  • Why Coloniality? Plural approaches to big buzzwords (with Layla Brown & Filiberto Penados)


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