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Rooted in Society? From “Elite” to “People-Centred” Power Sharing in Zanzibar

Makulilo, Prof. Dr. Alexander / Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler / Mohamed Haji (2024): „Rooted in Society? From “Elite” to “People-Centred” Power Sharing in Zanzibar“, in: Africa Review, - (2924), -.
peer reviewed
Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract:

In 2010, Zanzibar, a sub-state within the United Republic of Tanzania, became a unique case of power sharing in Africa. The country conducted a referendum before establishing a government of national unity and entrenched it in Zanzibar’s Constitution of 1984. The aim was to make the power-sharing system durable and rooted in society to achieve peace and development. Nevertheless, a political system must be accepted, practised and routinised to be rooted in society. Usually, peace settlements involve elites, who negotiate, sign and occasionally benefit from the pact—and Zanzibar is not an exception. What is missing in peace negotiations is the broad-based participation of the citizens. Based on a survey and expert interviews, this article examines how power sharing in Zanzibar has nevertheless become rooted in society over time.

Forschungsbereich: Governance als Aushandlungsprozess
Sprache: English
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