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Looking Back, Moving Forward: Philippine Migration Issues, Policies and Narratives

PD Dr. Rother, Stefan (2021): Looking Back, Moving Forward: Philippine Migration Issues, Policies and Narratives, in: ALMA Reviews Blog, - (-), -.
Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract:
In labour migration research, the Philippines have been established as a prime case study, being a major country of origin. The very active role of the government in migration policies is evident in characterisations that go beyond the common term “sending state” – such as “major labour exporter” or “labour brokerage state” (see Rodriguez 2010). International institutions and global processes often refer to the Philippines as a case of “best practice” and many politicians in the country wholeheartedly agree, characterising their country’s migration policies as the “gold standard”. This praise is not unequivocal, however – the very lively civil society of the Philippines criticises the labour export concept as a form of commodification of labour that ignores the agency of migrants. This edited volume by Jean Encinas-Franco is an important contribution to a more nuanced assessment; it looks beyond the “best practice” narrative and analyses the multiple actors involved in Philippine emigration. It primarily focuses on the lived experiences of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) in very diverse settings.
Forschungsbereich: Flucht und Migration
Sprache: English
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